Terms & Conditions
I recognize that the use of the Internet through the DEO NIWAS is a privilege. I agree to abide by the following rules regulating use of the Internet, and I understand that failure to observe these rules or failure to observe other Deo Niwas Policies may result in a suspension of my use of the DEO NIWAS Internet workstation.I will not engage in any activity which:Seeks to gain unauthorized access to the resources of the DEO NIWAS or Internet databases.Disrupts the intended use of the InternetWastes any resources through such actions.Violates, compromises, or destroys the integrity of any information.Compromises the privacy of any user.Disrupts the Deo Niwas environment is illegal. I will be responsible for any costs incurred as a result of my Internet activities, I will not use the computers for unlawful purposes. I understand that the transmission of any material in violation of any India or state regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, threatening or obscene material or any copyrighted or otherwise protected material. I agree to hold harmless the Deo Niwas for any and all claims of any nature arising from my use or inability to access these services. Knowing that the Internet, including email is currently an unregulated resource, I understand that I use information obtained via this service at my own risk, and that the Deo Niwas offers no guarantee as to the accuracy or validity of information obtained through the Internet. I will observe all copyright laws which might apply to files, software, or other resources on the Internet. I will observe the posted rules governing use of the Deo Niwas Internet hardware and software. I will take proper care of all equipment and will report any problem to the Deo Niwas staff member.
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